
Journey and Foreigner: Battle of the Cover Bands
Journey and Foreigner concert review - aka. battle of the cover bands.

Welcome back Michael Sadler – Saga rocks!
August 6, 2011 – the Festival of Friends is held in Ancaster, Ontario. It’s the largest free music event of its kind in the area...

Book Review – Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock by Sammy Hagar
Red: Sammy Hagar Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock is a book published in March 2011, which hit number 3 on the New York...

Supertramp in Toronto 2011
June 12 2011 – Supertramp rolled into Toronto as part of their 2010/2011 tour to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the band's first album back...

Roger Waters and David Gilmour Together For A Fleeting Glimpse
Roger Waters and David Gilmour at London O2 Arena May 2011 - The Wall

Apple vs RIM
In the last month I got an iPod Touch (64GB) and a BlackBerry Torch. The first was a personal purchase, the second was issued to...

Gadgets and more
Well I finally caved in and my self imposed ban on any gadget that begins with the letter “i” has come to an end. I...

Consumer Electronics Show 2010
Dec 2 2010 – Today I finalized my flights and hotel for the annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES http://www.cesweb.org/ ) in...

To Blog or Not To Blog
February 13 2010 – It all began with the post below. Unsure of what direction this would all take here is how T-Mak World was...