August 16 2024 – The Canadian National Exhibition kicked off its 2024 season as the unofficial Toronto end of summer countdown. The annual fair has been a tradition in our city since 1879 and is the setting for childhood memories for many. Although much has changed through the years, some staples have been there for what seems forever. The Food building, the midway and the bandshell are some of the few remaining landmarks. Opening day 2024 started off with the sun trying to fight its way through the clouds but the rains won in the evening causing the rides to stop and the outdoor vendors to rush to cover up.

The crowds were quite small compared to the typical CNE daily attendance and it made it much more enjoyable, we highly recommend going on opening day in future years. Both the Midway and the Kids Midway did not have huge lineups which is the norm at the Ex these days.

For children of the 70’s the sign below is not a selfie spot. The Flyer was a permanent wooden rollercoaser that was a staple of the Midway in days gone by.

We always feature music at the CNE – today the Bandshell will be hosting Sloan and the Midway Stage hosted Paul James Band doing a Bob Dylan tribute show.

The CNE runs until September 2nd this year so make sure you check out the grand old lady by the lake.