March 10 2014 – Saturday March 1st marked yet another snowstorm in Toronto but the music was pumping. A perfect way to start a night includes a visit to a pub – namely the The Fox and Fiddle on York Mills. This fine establishment is fairly close to T-Mak World HQ (namely my basement) so there is no way we would miss our good friend Phil Naro playing in the neighbourhood. The Phil & John show is a treat and a show of the highest entertainment value. Emmy Award winner Phil Naro and John Rogers of the band Brighton Rocks produce a steady stream of classic rock tunes from their stools. Their combined talent is off the charts and is truly a hidden gem of the Toronto rock scene.
The main attraction tonight was TimeGiant – Toronto’s best classic rock throwback band full of time transcending rock riffs and long hair. Fans of …. well basically any band played on Q107 would love TimeGiant as they keep the spirit of classic 70’s rock alive. We have covered them numerous times on T-Mak World so we only present some pictures from the show tonight from The Rivoli
TimeGiant blasted a heavy assault of sweet music that left us wanting more, they also played their epic hard rocker After The Battle At Mt. Megiddo which is a rare occurrence.