The Finger |
April 9 2012: We love exploring new bands and when we run into some new music we like we make it a mission to get a hold of the artist(s) and ask them for an interview to get to know them or their band better. Our previous Emerging Artist Spotlight focused on Ottawa based hard rock act Wise, Young & King. Today we are going to the other side of the globe and in particular to Greece to talk to The Finger. The Finger hails from one of the most beautiful corners of the world – the northern part of Greece named Macedonia (birthplace of Alexander the Great) and in particular the city of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki is Greece’s second largest city and is easily considered one of the best parts of Greece. In fact Lonely Planet named Thessaloniki as one of the world’s “ultimate party cities“. The city is over 2300 years old and has a very rich cultural heritage that spans centuries. What makes me an expert on it you may ask? Well it is my birthplace and in fact my last name is in tribute to that geographic part of the world.
Thessaloniki, Greece (photo by Terry Makedon) |
Naturally when I heard The Finger‘s songs and found out that they are from my birthplace I was more than excited to reach out to them and find out as much as I could. Here is what they told us:
The Finger |
Lia Siouti lead vocalist of The Finger |
Sotiris Noukas of The Finger |
The Finger |
Thanks Lia and everyone else from The Finger, we are very happy that we can talk to you. Without a doubt this band is on the path to a great musical career, the quality of their music is world class, the singing is magical and their energy is undeniable. Their commercial success really only depends on how many people get the chance to listen to them globally. If you like euphoric yet moody music that doesn’t quite fit in any genre do not miss the opportunity to check out The Finger. We leave you with a link to the title track from Don’t Believe My Eyes. They do kick ass don’t they?